Explore Rossett Acre Funclub

Our Aims

  • To provide a fun, caring, happy, stimulating and safe environment for children and staff, before and after school and during school holidays.
  • To offer a wide and interesting range of different activities which will allow children to use their energies constructively, to learn and to relax when needed.
  • To provide parents with a stress-free, reliable, open and honest service, with as much flexibility as possible.
  • To work with the school towards mutual goals and co-operate with any special arrangements wherever possible.

Who Are We and What Do We Do?

The Funclub is run by a fully qualified manager, Ashley Latty, together with a team of enthusiastic and caring staff. All staff are cleared by the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) to work with children.

Before school we offer indoor activities, keeping the children entertained but not over-excited, with games, reading, and creative work.

After school activities are planned to encourage as much outdoor time as possible, with football, rounders, parachute games, obstacle races and other physical activities. If the weather is nice we will utilise the grassed areas and have treasure hunts, nature walks and seasonal activities.

Indoors, we offer a very varied programme of activities, such as arts and crafts, puppet shows, traditional board games, dressing up and role play, construction, model making, and reading. We provide a quiet area for homework, so that children have the time and support to complete their homework assignments.

We always welcome other suggestions for activities from children and their families, and involve the children in the planning of activities.

Holidays are planned in advance to offer fun care, with at least two or three outings each week. We offer activities at the school such as puppets, cycling, skating, textile crafts, and many other lively activities. Outings on offer are varied and fun, using public transport, coaches and often by foot. Examples of outings would be Harlow Carr, Valley Gardens, the cinema, Knaresborough and the museums of Leeds and York. We also travel further afield during the summer months to the scarecrow festival at Kettlewell and to various other locations by coach.

Provisions (Food & Drink)

For the breakfast club we provide a drink, fruit, yoghurts, toast and cereals each morning, not to replace breakfast, but as a little extra for children who arrive early.

For the after school, we provide a snack from 3.30pm to 4.00pm, snack always includes a balanced selection of vegetables, fruit and carbohydrates.  We change our menu weekly, to include noodles, soup, hot dogs, rice and naan breads, cous cous and sandwiches. We ensure any dietary requirements are provided for with as good selection as possible. Again this is not to replace an evening meal but to provide an afternoon drink and snack for hungry children.

During school holidays, we provide the above and we ask you to please provide a packed lunch. Children are offered drinks and healthy snacks during the day.

Fees (From April 2024)

Before school session
(7.30am – 9.00am) £9.75

After school session
(3.30pm – 5.30pm) £12.35
(3.30pm – 6.30pm) £13.85

Holiday part day
(9.00am – 3.00pm) £35.00

Holiday full day
(7.30am – 6.00pm) £45.00

Late payment fee
£5 per week

A 10% discount is available where two or more siblings attend the same session.

Please note that fees are payable for booked sessions, regardless of whether or not your child attends, and are also payable if you take your child out of school during term time.
Fees will be invoiced at the beginning of each month, and are payable in advance of attendance.

Failure to pay on time means that a late payment fee of £5 per child per week overdue will be charged, and your child’s place may be withdrawn. Late collection fees apply if you fail to collect your child before closing time: £5.00 per 15mins after 6:30pm term time or 6:00pm during holidays.

Did you know that you can pay using most childcare vouchers, saving a significant amount of Tax and National Insurance? Please ask your employers if this could be an option for you.
If you would like to pay us directly into our account then please contact us and we will supply you with our bank details.

If you do make any direct payments please supply your child’s name as a reference.

How to Enrol

Prior to joining Funclub we request that you complete an enrolment form (see downloads below). Bookings for fixed sessions need to be made in advance, with four weeks written notice or fees in lieu for any changes or cancellations. This ensures we always have the correct staffing ratios for the number of children attending. Additional sessions may be booked at short notice, subject to availability.

Bookings for children attending Rossett Acre School will be given priority, but provision for children attending other schools may be provided if any spaces remain. Any remaining places will be allocated on a first come, first served basis.

Dropping-off and Collecting Your Child

If any person other than the usual carer is collecting your child we must be informed beforehand. The person collecting must be known to the child and will be asked to provide identification or a password. We must also be informed if your child is booked into a session, but will not be attending. This is for the security of your child, to ensure they are picked up from school and accounted for at the end of the school day.

Please note that our insurance does not cover your child before 7.30am or after 6.30pm. Children must not be dropped off before this time, or collected later than 6.30pm.

Information and Downloads


The Fun Club is registered with OFSTED on the Early Years Register, reference EY475825, and operates following the EYFS. We are members of the Out of School Alliance (OOSA).


Term time:

Rossett Acre Information Leaflet 2024-25

Rossett Acre Enrolment Form 2024-25



holiday info leaflet 2024


Read what OFSTED had to say about us in our most recent inspection – https://reports.ofsted.gov.uk/provider/16/EY475825

Rossett Acre Funclub Manager

  • image
    Ashley Latty

Rossett Acre Funclub Opening Times

Before School
7.30am to 9.00am

After School
3.30pm to 6.30pm

7.30am to 6.00pm (Runs at Richard Taylor School, Bilton Lane)

The club is open term time only.