About Us

Caring and Fun For Your Children

Our company is named Funclubs, as we feel strongly that whilst of course our children need to be healthy and safe when attending our clubs, our priorities are that they should have fun in their day to day lives, whilst learning and developing into happy and confident people.

Our Beliefs

  • We believe in treating everyone with respect and care
  • We believe that happy children should be able to explore their world freely whilst remaining healthy and safe
  • We believe that each individual child should be able to enjoy and achieve their potential in life through play and laughter
  • We believe that parents are the most important people in their child’s life and we value and welcome their knowledge and involvement
  • We believe in open and honest relationships and strive to be positive and flexible in all that we do

Our Commitment To You

Our commitment to you is that we will:

  • Treat your child with care and respect
  • Keep your child healthy and safe
  • Help your child to enjoy and achieve in life through play and laughter
  • Welcome you at any time and keep you informed and involved

Opportunities For All Children

We are committed to providing appropriate care for all children, regardless of gender, colour, race, religion or any special needs they may have.

Our aim is inclusion for all children, treating them as equals and allowing them to share the same experiences and opportunities. Our teams are committed to encourage, support and help our children.

Safeguarding Children

Please note that if we have any concerns about your child’s development, welfare or safety, we will speak to you immediately. We are required to keep records of these concerns and if we feel it necessary, the advice of other professionals will be sought (in accordance with our full written policy). All matters will always be dealt with in consultation with parents/carers and in the strictest confidence.

Behaviour Management

Our policy is to promote positive behaviour at all times. Our ultimate aim is that we will work in partnership with parents/carers to lay the foundations from which children will grow into happy, self-confident, well-adjusted individuals.

Children need to have set boundaries of behaviour for their own safety and the safety of their peers. Within our settings we aim to set these boundaries in a way that helps the child to develop a sense of the significance of their own behaviour, both on their own environment and those around them. Restrictions on the child’s natural desire to explore and develop their own ideas and concepts are kept to a minimum. Sanctions applied in the case of unacceptable behaviour will take account of the age and stage of development of the child, be relevant to the action or actions and be fair. The staff team will always ensure that the parents/carers are fully informed about and support the actions being taken to modify the child’s unacceptable behaviour.

Corporal punishment (slapping, smacking, or shaking) is never an acceptable practice and will not be used. Children will never be made to feel that they are stupid or unworthy but that they are a valued human being.

Complaints Procedure

If you have any cause for concern, you should in the first instance take it up with the Manager or the Deputy Manager. We would always hope that any concerns a parent/carer has would be raised and dealt with by negotiation and discussion between a parent/carer and the appropriate staff at the time of occurrence. However should the issue remain unresolved, the Manager should be contacted either verbally or in writing. All verbal and written complaints (including email) will be investigated by the Manager. The findings of the investigation, including any procedure change, recommendations to staff and what will be done in the future to ensure this doesn’t happen again will be finalised within 28 days of the complaint being made, and the parents/carer will be informed of the outcome. Written records of the complaint will be kept, and OFSTED may be informed of the situation for their records.

If the matter cannot be resolved to the parents/carers satisfaction then they have the right to raise the matter with OFSTED on 0300 1231231 or at:

Early Years OFSTED
Piccadilly Gate
Store Street
M1 2WD